Library research databases are sometimes called the "deep web" or "hidden web" because they must be accessed through a paid subscription. Library databases contain published works in which the facts have been checked. They are a great source of scholarly articles.
Woodward Academy pays for access to many different databases to enhance the quality of student research. Some databases may be accessed on campus without a password. Off campus, you may have to enter a user name and a password that can be found via the link below:
or email Ms. Haber.
Envision your perfect article. What words would be in the title of the article or in its summary?
1.Take advantage of advanced search features:
a. Keep it simple. Search for only two or three keywords at a time, not whole sentences.
b. Use only important words--drop the, an, a, or, for, of, from, to, or even effects or how.
c. Put quotation marks around phrases
d. Use Boolean operators like: AND, OR, NOT
e. Limit to: Full text and Peer-Reviewed
f. Limit source type: Scholarly Journals, Magazines
g. Limit Document type: Article
h. Narrow Date of Publication
2. If no results-- try, try again!
3. Use the Tools menu to export the citation to NoodleTools, or copy/paste the MLA citation.
4. Citing in NoodleTools first, creates a permanent link to the article.
Start with a search in one of our literature databases:
Try searching the title of the work or the author's name.
These are sources of scholarly articles which can help add depth and support to your paper:
A general encyclopedia is great for reliable background information:
All of these sources provide excellent resources for historical context: